Whimsic Alley
Whimsic Alley // whimsicalleyla.com // 5464 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036 // 310.453.2370

Whimsic Alley // whimsicalleyla.com // 5464 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036 // 310.453.2370

Not far from Milk Jar is this little jem. It's basically the best place to get gifts for nerds. Even more that that, it's an experience just to walk in the door. The way the store is laid out and decorated is nothing short of elaborate.


They have everything from Game of Thrones...


...to Harry Potter....


 ...to Dr.Who, Supernatural Downton Abbey and so much more.


We went in October, so there were extra Halloween decorations.

Photographed by myself

Photographed by myself

They even had a relpica of the Great Hall from Harry Potter! They host myriad events there. Check out their website for what's coming up here.